Monday, 20 February 2012

Fascism Is The Natural Development of Capitalism - George Orwell

There is a lot of talk lately about the so-called 99% who represent those who have no real money, as opposed to the 1% who hold the majority of the world's wealth. What is it that allows the 1% to hold onto their wealth? It is our ability to acquiesce to the belief that having the ability to purchase an i-phone, or a cheap pair of foreign made trainers means that we live in a free society. To the elite, freedom for us means the freedom to be poor and to make them wealthier. Why don't we rebel? Why is their not revolution? Why are we not tearing down the system and slitting their throats on the street. Why?...because we are all decent human beings who value life above even freedom. They (the elites) have no qualms about relegating their workers to abject poverty, and injustice, and disease, and suicide. They would be quite happy to step over a frozen dead child to enter a trendy restaurant.
Technology is of course not giving the 99% more freedom, it is giving us less freedom by taking away our usefulness to society, but allowing us to be monitored and controlled by the elite, by brainwashing us into thinking we need these technologies to function. Money will mean nothing to the 99% when none of us have any?
I call on all of the young economics students and business students to design an economic system that does not rely on money to function. One that is egalitarian, but offers rewards to those who work the hardest. One that guarantees every human being has home, and food, and the freedom to enjoy themselves on weekends. One that educates the masses. So far, technology has destroyed the vocabulary of most young people to grunts and texts. Let us go back in time where respect is instilled in all of our communications with each other. Above all, let us harshly punish the rich, and greedy, and all of those who as human beings would take advantage of another human being.
To all of you who have had your lives destroyed by unemployment, or had you jobs exported elsewhere for cheaper labour, or have lost your savings to speculating capitalist fascist pigs - rise up and destroy that 1%!!!

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