Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Welcome to My Blog

I was inspired to start this blog by one remark uttered by a work mate. The remark was meant by him to be consoling - to be diversionary, if somewhat condescending. It was uttered by an older, childless, secure and somewhat unimaginative civil servant who was secure in his future. When his world passes away that shall be it for him. He has no concern for children or grandchildren. His main concern will be how to spend his generous government pension. We were discussing the floundering world economy, and debating the best way forward. I asserted that it was not capitalism! He dismissed this as nonsense: technology will find a way to create more jobs. Technology! How can he be serious! Technology is destroying this world, and has been destroying it since the since the Industrial Revolution of the 1850s. The main drive of technological innovation has been geared towards the advancement of capitalism. From the barrel makes of the 1860s to the factory worker of the 1990s technology has been voraciously destroying the need for human labour at an unprecedented scale. The traditional concept of capitalism has become moot. It works like this:
1. Technology finds a way to eliminate the need of a simple mechanical function performed by a human
2. Technology finds a way to eliminate the need for more complicated mechanical labours previously performed by humans
3. Technology finds a way to replace inventors of devices which eliminate the need for human labour
4. All manufacturing, inventing, services and possible forms of human labour are completely replaced by technology
This is the end game.
No human is working. Only elite capitalists are collecting the monetary benefits of the work of technology.
Money means nothing to the majority of humans since there is no employment available for humans to earn money.
Nothing is real. All of humanity has become lazy, uncommunicative, and hopeless. Any sense of community is lost - we are all reduced to becoming commodities to be exploited by technology. Love, anger, hatred, compassion can only be conveyed through technology. No one meets - language is lost. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are partly responsible - though their children will be blissfully unaware of the hell at the end of their long driveways.
I would write this message on papyrus - but the skill to make it by hand has long been lost - And no one would read it anyway.
Solutions anyone?
Mr. Lollard.

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